Monday, 29 September 2008

Day 25

Just done my shot of Pregnyl. You think at some point it would have been handy to have been given some instructions on what the hell to do. I had 2 ampules of liquid, & 2 ampules of powder. Didn't know whether I was meant to put 2 powders in 1 liquid or what, so I mixed everything together. Really narked and fed up. It's a fairly major injection and I could have just fucked it right up. It bled a lot loads too.

Will have to ring clinic tomorrow and hope to fuck I haven't ballsed everything up. Pretty pissed off. Partly my fault for not having checked everything first, pretty sure it was a pre-mixed shot last time, so I really wasn't expecting to have to draw stuff up and mix it before injecting it. Didn't help that DH went to get needles and didn't know which ones - which wound me up immediately - only been doing this for what, 3 weeks?..

What worried me about the Pregnyl, was that I only just had enough space for all the liquid, so pretty sure now I didn't need all the liquid, but it's too late now. Just have to hope that using all the liquid hasn't completed fucked everything.