Tuesday 23 September 2008

Day 19 (3)

Nose is running, constantly sneezing, feeling shit. Incredibly wound up - I should go to bed soon, what with tomorrow morning, but am too wound up to sleep :(

It doesn't bode well when you're listening to 'Space Oddity' and crying on the sofa. Like my nose needs any help right now.

Last night I cried myself to slep and couldn't tell DH. So many fear and nightmares running through my head. Woke up feeling like I'd been in a fight, and cried again. I miss feeling normal. I wish I could positivly say this is all worth it, but there's no guarantee. If this works and I'm a mum in 9months, then yes, every single second, every single needle, blood spot, cramp, pain, tear, scream and giggle will be worth it - a million times over. The terror is there's no guarantee.

I at least have heparin this time and aspirin. What else can I do but pray and hope? Not bad for someone who doesn't believe in god...

Shit - this is just day before scan and bloods, what the hell am I going to be like the night before egg collection? :(