Monday, 29 September 2008

Day 25 (3)

Scan this morning. Nurses were totally lovely and we chatted throughout. I have 9 viable follicles atm, and more that are still too small (damn it!). Egg collection looking like Wednesday - have to ring this afternoon for blood results. One of my follicles is 29, and they only need to be 17, so apparently there's no way they'll leave me longer (just as well, as I have no drugs left).

Pic shows the difference between scan on day 20 and scan today (25). As you can see, 5 follicles vs 16 follicles. Just hope to god that those 10s etc grow to at least 17. *crosses fingers hopefully* The follicles on the left side are still on the top of my uterus, apparently it means they'll lave to press down on my stomach to get them and there's still no guarantee they will be able to get them *nervous*. The bottom numbers are the thickness of my endometrium. Mine is textbook still. Mine is always textbook. Just hoping everything stays this time.

Am very nervous about collection - no shock there. Waiting for 1.30pm now, to find out what time they need me in. when I ring they will no doubt give me the time to take Pregnyl etc and it'll be my last injection until they put them back in *more crossing of fingers*