Wednesday 24 September 2008

Day 20 (3)

So went and had bloods and scan. The scan hurt. Some nurses are very good and can get al the angles without you feeling like someone has rammed something hard up there. I felt like a cement mixer with some guy trying to get as much stuff out as possible with his shovel.

Results not looking good. took her while to find my left ovary. There a 12mm and a 10mm and I think3 very tiny ones she didn't measure. One of them is apparently on the top of my uterus and she's hoping it'll drop down. She couldn't find my right ovary for a good long whilse, and when she did she only saw one follicle. Damn I hurt a lot after it, I can tell you that much.

Ring this afternoon for results. We'll see whether I stay on the same dose, or whether they put me up again. Hopefully tx will continue.

Egg retrieval, she reckons will be Tuesday.

Spoke to DH about it and he's told me not to worry (he always tells me that). He pointed out that at this stage of IVF1 they were considering calling of tx, and a few days later there were eggs everywhere. He's every hopeful - it's another reason why I love him.