Saturday 6 September 2008

Day 1 (3)

And so it begins. IVF for the 3rd and final time.

I gave myself my first Surprefact injection today (0.5ml). I have always given it in the stomach before but the nurse at our last appointment was insistent that I gave it in the thigh. So I did. I won't be doing that again. It really hurt! It also bled an awful lot.

Frankly, last time I did everything in my stomach, and ended up with 18 follicles, 15 of which contained eggs. It's a winning formula I'm not going to mess with. From tomorrow (and for the rest of the treatment, I am injecting in my stomach and the clinic can go jump.

Ow my thigh :(

Also, have decided to stay in Sheffield. Am very nervous about egg retrieval though - need to ring them up tomorrow and enquire about valium and morphine, which is apparently what they use in Cardiff. *crosses fingers anxiously*