Tuesday 23 September 2008

Day 19 (3)

Last night I did the standard injections again and it really hurt. Really hurt. Whether it's my skin getting more and more sensitive to needles, or whether I've woken up and forgotten how to inject myself, I'm not entirely sure, but it's bleeding every time now, and my stomach is so incredibly sore.

If it is a reaction and hypersensitivity to needles, then it's not boding well for egg collection - that's one hell of a needle, exactly where you never want a needle to go. My skin has also gone to hell too, it's sore and red and just painful, doesn't help with the self-confidence either. Skin stuff doesn't seem to be helping either.

Had a bizarre form of what I can only describe as 'lock jaw' last night, just on the right side. It came on in a few hours and was really painful by the time I went to bed. No idea what brought it on, but it was gone by this morning when I woke up, thankfully. I don't know whether I was grinding my teeth last night or something without realising.

Tomorrow morning is a very early wake up call, with me having to be at the clinic at 8am, take a ticket and wait in line. Then again most people are desperate to get back to work, and I'm sure I've turned up late before without a queue. I can't even remember what the motorway traffic is like either.

Aiming to get up at 7am and leave the house by 7.30am.

Weird - post is saying this way written at 10.26am. It was actually 7pm.