Sunday 7 September 2008

Day 2 (3)

I've just realised that I hadn't actually explained giving Suprefact anywhere (hence my small panic just now, when trying to remember how to give it subcutaneously in my stomach). It's very easy actually.

Equipment needed:
  • Rubber bunged bottle of Suprefact.
  • 0.5ml needle (needle is very small, like a diabetic needle).
  • Cotton wool swab (if needed).
  • Sharps bin.

Draw 0.5ml of Suprefact into the syringe. Pinch a few cms of skin (anywhere horizontally below your navel), in between you forefinger and thumb and insert the needle horizontally (90 degrees). Depress plunger. Let go of skin once it's all in. Withdraw needle. Cap and dispose in the sharps bin. Not a problem. If it bleeds - wipe with cotton wool swab.

Smile and tell your husband it doesn't sting or itch like last time. Grin like a maniac for about 10 seconds, start to realise it does in fact itch like a b*stard, and have all the memories flood back. Remember this is normal.

I don't mind the itching. It's irritating but fine. Least it's not stinging this time.