Monday 29 October 2007


I might be a little tetchy - this could be due to the hormones, lack of sleep, being a human pin cushion, or all of the previous points.

I haven't bloated as much as last time apparently - but last time I was eating ice-cream every evening for 2 weeks until I got pregnant (a study had just come out saying it increased chances of pregnancy). This time I'm not allowed dairy due to the Endo, so.. it's helping my waistline at least.

Literally walked into the clinic today for a blood-test, everyone else much have been there really early, I felt I left early enough as it was (and that's with my journey that took well over an hour), you gotta love rush hour and motorways. Blood test really hurt. Now I know they say 'you'll feel a sharp scratch' and normally that's all it is, just discomfort, but Holy Hell! Today damn well hurt - like a blinding sharp pain that carried on after the needle was well and truly out :(

I should've prepared myself for acupuncture based on that, but I didn't - and every bloody one shocked and hurt. Wasn't much fun. 3/4 of the way through she took them out and I had some in my back. Doesn't hurt as much as the front apparently. Haha - yeah right! I was shocked, quite physically, at how much they hurt too - even the Dr was jumping away from me! I hope I didn't make any patients outside nervous with my howls! :/

So - now I'm just waiting for 1.30pm when I have to ring the results line and hope my hormones are where they should be - and then back to clinic on Wednesday for another blood test (my poor frikkin' veins!), a scan (oh joy) and more acupuncture. the same is due Friday too. Work won't be happy.