Wednesday 24 October 2007

1st day of Menopur

The last few days have been - upsetting to say the least. After talking to other people about MC's and totally panicking that I wasn't doing enough to prevent it, I found a lot of women with endometriosis had been prescribed Clexane, and that it made a difference. I got really angry I hadn't even heard of it, and spoke to my clinic when I went in for my blood test. I also read about GNrH which increases chances of pregnancy in women with endo by 4fold. The clinic didn't seem too bothered by my questions (or with providing answers) but I wanted to know why I wasn't on it. I was told the Dr wasn't in but that a note would be left, and when I phoned up for my blood test results they'd let me know whether I could have it.

I came home and cried. R came home and I cried again. I felt so helpless, and started talking about what was the point in trying again if they're not going to try anything to help me. So terrified of another MC.

Today I rung for my blood results and told to take Menopur tonight. I was also told that a msg had been left for the Dr re: Clexane, but he hadn't see it yet as someone had put a piece of paper over the note left in my file. I was told I'd be rung back. So I waited. When I got the call I was told that the Dr said it would be OK for me to have it, didn't see the point as it didn't make a difference, but on the other hand it wasn't contraindicated either.

So I'm allowed it. This was from a Locum Dr, I was told the regular Dr would be told tomorrow. Now I assume having been told I can have it from one, means the other should agree, as having just got an OK for this, for the other Dr to turn around and say no.. well, it shouldn't happen, right?

Today I started my Menopur. 3 powders to 1 vial. As I'm injecting Suprefact at the same time, I injected Suprefact into the right side of my stomach and Menopur into my left. I have to alternate every day. I'd forgotten again how much it stung, and I'm not used to injecting twice into my stomach, so now I inject on either side, which is weird for me, but you do what you gotta do right? The Clexane will also be a daily injection, but frankly it'll be worth it. At least I know I'm going into it this time doing everything I possibly can. Whatever happens now is out of my hands. I hope so much, that I get through every stage..