Saturday 16 June 2007

Weddings: What the FUCK?!

I can happily say I hate weddings. Truly.

I thought weddings meant to mean excitement and doing things together for a celebration day. Yeah.. not so much. Since we've got engaged we've argued, snapped at each other and probably disliked each other more than we ever have before. There are times where he pisses me off, and I can guarantee I'm also pissing him off.

So far weddings, to me, appear to be a faff and a nuisance and I no longer like them. If we could get married without the wedding - we would (well actually, I guess I can't speak for him, but I sure as shit would).

Giving notice

We went to give notice today - only we have to make an appointment to give notice to marry - bit of faff but doable, right? Only we can't give notice on the weekend - no, it has to be between 9am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Helpful. Really helpful, so before we even get the any organisation I have to get time off work to register our intent to marry? This is taking the piss, and I can tell you now, school won't be happy. I work away from where I live, so trying to get the authorisation to leave early, to get to the train station to catch a train in, to get to the registry office, to give the notice and go through the paperwork.. yeah they're not going to like it at all - especially because this means then that they'll have to have someone to cover my lessons, which makes me either unpopular with the finance manager (who spends the money on a supply), or another member of staff, who will be expected to cover my class.

Wedding Lists

We thought we'd be clever, register and zap things and it'd be one less thing to worry/ stress about, right? Wrong - you have to know when you're getting married - and at the same time, give 4months notice - I mean seriously, you're kidding, right? Plus the raddled old harridan that spoke to us was rude and ignorant and pissed us both off. Frankly it's put my off guests lists and any semblance of a big wedding even moreso than I was previously. I don't care whether anyone wears flowers, or whether my eyes accentuate the season/ surrounding/ political viewpoint at present. I have no time or interest in any of these 'details' (a.k.a. 'pointless shit'). I get it's important for some, I really do, but seriously, I have better things to do, like building an ecologically friendly miniaturised version of the Taj Mahal out of toilet roll and honey.

So, you can see from my clearly calm and patient manner - I am not a wedding convert. We keep saying the fun bit will kick in soon, but I'm not holding my breath, blue is not my colour..