Thursday 5 April 2007


So we had the appointment

Weird. In general I was OK with things. Had things explained about embryo and sperm research and testing. Was unsure at first, wasn't sure what stage they were on about testing, and wasn't sure how that sat with me to be honest, but she explained that it was embryos we couldn't possibly use, that would be discarded anyway, and only at the cell stage, nothing further (which was my main concern).

The bit I hated, that I really hated and that made me feel dirty (not saying it should, but how it feels to me personally), was R having to sign a form to say that:
a) I could put his name on the birth certificate of our child
b) That he would agree to take legal responsibility for our child.

It just made me feel so seedy for want of a better way, and it really upset me. FFS it's a solid 7yr relationship where we've been trying for some time, have paid a lot of money to get where we are and are going through it together, so having to obtain his permission, it's just wrong and really annoys and upsets me. Especially because he didn't have to sign it. Obviously he was going to, but he didn't have to.

Drugs/ Treatment:Anyway, started nasal spray on Wednesday, for 3weeks, which will shut down my fertility, so they can decide when I'm ready (helps with op times etc and managing women). This helpfully might make me psychotic. Interesting.

Then I get daily injections for 14days - to soup everything up. Then when ready to collect eggs, one big injection the night before. Eggs collected, (via huge needle attached to an internal scan that goes up into my vagina, and through the womb walls to the ovaries, where it sucks everything out). 36hrs later (if eggs found and once fertilised), they're put back inside me, rather like a smear.

12days later there's a blood test.

This whole thing makes me incredibly nervous because I know the chances are so slim..