Sunday 27 May 2007


So, I went to the wedding yesterday.

Turned up at V's house and just felt sick - it was a tip, complete tip, and smelt so weird. I don't know whether it actually did or whether it is me, but there you go. She offered me a drink and I had a drink of squash, but couldn't drink it all cos it smelt odd, and nothing was clean and I just didn't feel it was safe.

Anyway, spent a few hours absolutely terrified I could feel TotM coming - just awful, and was nearly in tears. DH arrived to take us and Val to the registry office (which was cringe-worthy) and I noticed how many people smoked, and couldn't stand far enough away without looking rude :( Noticed a heavily pregnant woman there who was smoking away with her partner, and got so angry! It bothered me all day. Pointed it out to DH and he said he wasn't convinced she was pregnant.

Left the registry office to go for family gathering a V's IL's house. There was smoking everywhere - and her MIL chainsmokes in the house, which I found incredibly difficult to get through. There was smoking outside, there was smoking inside, there was no getting away from it :/ Here we found out the woman I thought was pregnant, was indeed pregnant, and is due in August, with makes her 7months now, so I had no respect for her at all, or her partner, how can people do such things?! Also made me think, if she's been chain smoking through pregnancy and is 7months now, then I have more of a chance of things going OK, surely?

Evening reception was in the liberal club - which was heavily smoky, and I stayed for a bit until I saw some of my friends and then we left. Getting into the car all I could smell on me and DH was smoke, and it made me feel so sick and I felt wheezy (and still do this morning). Got home, ate a bit, and then threw up (think it's from the constant burping that I don't seem to be able to stop). Embarrassing really.

Today I have a headache and feel grody, but I'm sure it'll pass.

Took my last pessary last night, so from now on everything I feel will be 'me' which is nice, so I'll give it 48hrs or so to get out of my system, and hopefully it'll mean no more cramps! *crosses fingers*

Today I went looking for bras, but to no avail. My friend R asked if I'd had a boob job last night - I laughed and said no, she'd not wrong though, they're huge. I have one 32DD I'm still managing to squeeze them into, but it's not comfortable - I actually have a 'TotM bra', which is big and white, but right now it's invaluable, but not amazing unfortunately. Have ordered some cheap 32F bras to tide me over to 12weeks. Dreading going back to school, and have to find some trousers yet. Might look at stretchy trousers once everything is confirmed at the 6week scan