Friday 11 May 2007

-The- day

So we went in and had our appointment, and were told that we had 4 fertilised embryos. At this stage the expected 4cells but ours were 2. There wasn't a lot of hope in her voice, but they were going to try with 2 anyway and see how it goes (2 is better than none, right/?!). So we were led to a bay, where I put on a theatre gown, and R put on scrubs (omg, wow, he looked gorgeous!).

anyway, after messing about and taking pictures and me calling R a pirate, we were led to the little theatre where the procedure was going to be carried out. As you can imagine, not much dignity from my side - had to put my bum right on the edge of the table and then my legs were put in stirrups - gotta be honest, having 4people staring straight up my lady bits was not what I'd bargained for!

They put jelly on my stomach so the nurse could use the ultrasound to see where the catheter was going and the Dr could place the embryos correctly.

They checked our names and details many times, and we saw our embryos on a screen, and then we were told that some of the embryos had actually split into the 4cell stage, which is what they wanted :D


So.. I am 3 days pregnant.. which is an odd odd feeling.

What's even odder is that there's no guarantee it'll stay - so it's all luck now, and we're terrified.