Thursday 2 October 2008

Day 27 & 28 (3)

Day 27

Went to take my oramorph, only it had been handily thrown out. So worked myself up into a state of panic. Took a Diazepam/ Valium (5mg) at 0820. Left the house, got there at 0930 and waited around for someone to notice we were there. Got more and more anxious as I'd been told to take meds 1hr before egg collction. Got up to a room and went through paperwork at 0940 and got to take tabs etc at 0945-0950. Took Temazepam (30mg), Diazepam (5mg) and the Voltarol suppository (100mg). Waited around a bit more getting more and more nervous. Took another 5mg Diazepam 10mins before due to go in

Went in for egg collection. It hurt. A lot. However, not as much as last time and not that I remember too well (thanks to the Valium). Got 12 eggs. Got out of the collection and went back into my room where I lay down and then slept for an hour.

Went home (via Subway) and sat on the sofa. After a bit I felt a bit nauseous and lay down, and slept for a few hours, blissfully. Eventually got up and cooked tea and then watched TV of the sofa. Peeing has involved a lot of blood. They said I'd be spotting (this time is nothing compared to last time, basically a tiny bit on the panty liner provided - and that's geneally been in), but there has been a lot of blood in my urine (as a woman you know the difference between where the blood is coming from). I'm not in huge amounts of pain, just feeling slightly bloated and sore, and like I said, compared to everything last time, this is a breeze in comparison so I can deal with it.

Day 28

Phonecall at 10am. Out of 12 eggs, only 9 were suitable for fertilising. Out of those 9, only 5 took. Gutted, was hoping they'd all take tbh. Won't know til 10am tomorrow morning whether any of them are viable or what grade they are, and I have egg transfer at 2pm - so have to be there at 1.45pm with a full bladder (right now mine can't cope with being bigger than the size of a walnut).

I no longer have blood in my urine, though it's still sore to pee, almost like cystitis feeling. Managed to pass a 'solid' today - also a huge step from last time (where I couldn't go without utter agony for over a week). As of tomorrow I'm back to eating ice-cream every evening and hoping everything works out. Have to take my pessaries and injection in tomorrow for transfer and find out exactly what time I need to be injecting I guess. From then on it'll be every 24hrs.