Tuesday 21 August 2007

The week that was

I could write so much. Reams and reams, but I neither have the time nor the inclination for the tirade at present. I resent a lot of things at the moment - mainly with regards to my parents, we won't go into it, let's just say they'll have had their pound of flesh free, and they're never getting any more.

Wedding plans are good. Things have been sorted and discussed and everything is ready to go. Payment was a bitch, but I know will be worth it, and it's a fairly chilled out affair thankfully, and I think reflects us really well as a couple. Everything has been a joint decision, and I'm not one of those weirdo's who's insisted on everything being pink, lilac or both - there have been some truly tackyrific weddings this summer, vomit-inducing doesn't begin to cover it.

Aside from everyone deciding now to have a trauma (not enough attention, have a breakdown!), my only stress for the big ay is the traffic. There's a huge music festival on on the weekend and apparently it will have a huge impact on the day.

There's been a lot of flapping from his Mum, but as we pointed out, we made everyone aware of this fact, and if they're not intelligent to consider this into our plans, that's their problem and not ours - neither am i interested in making it our problem.

I'm due to arrive at the venue 3hrs earlier than planned at the moment - would rather be there early than stuck in 4hr tailbacks. He's the same. Different rooms obviously. I also want to spnd time with one person and I can't see that happening. What I don't want is the world and his wife stuck around me for 5hrs before I get married. Already I'm feeling incredibly claustraphobic :/